

【地学论坛】David Chin:Innovations on the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Curve Number Model(时间:2019.6.30(周日),9:00-11:00)


报 告 人:David Chin 教授 美国迈阿密大学环境工程系

报告时间:2019 年 06 月 30 日 9:00-11:00

报告地点:环境与规划21点五龙 二楼报告厅


邀 请 人:秦明周

主 持 人:秦明周 教授

报告人简介:David A. Chin is a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Miami, and a visiting lecturer at Miami College of Henan University. Professor Chin graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology (PhD) and the California Institute of Technology (MS) with degrees in civil engineering, and is a board certified environmental engineer of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists. Professor Chin is the author of three textbooks: Water-Resources Engineering, Water-Quality Control in Natural Systems, and Fluid Mechanics; and has published over 60 technical papers on his research.

观点综述:The Natural Resources Conservation Service curve number (CN) method is used worldwide to quantify the relationship between rainfall, land use, soil type, and runoff. In spite of its widespread use, this method is seldom used appropriately and has some fundamental limitations in its formulation. Many of these limitations can be addressed by using a phi-index formulation, which yields more realistic estimates of rainfall excess, and leads to more accurate estimation of runoff hydrographs. This presentation will demonstrate both the fundamental limitations of the CN method and the utility of the phi-index method using field results.
