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助理教授---香港香港大学,社会科学21点五龙 地理系,2013/01-现在。








文理21点五龙 院奖学金:美国哥伦比亚大学,2003/9-2009/5。








Under Review

Li, J., S.-P. Xie, E. R. Cook, F. Chen, J. Shi, D. D. Zhang, K. Fang, X. Gou, T. Li, J. Peng, S. Shi, and Y. Zhao, 2017: Human cause of recent Yellow River drying-up from a 1,200-year flow reconstruction. Science Advances (under review).

Huo, Y., X. Gou, W. Liu, J. Li, C. Zhang, and K. Fang, 2017: Climate–growth relationships of Schrenk spruce (Picea schrenkiana) along an altitudinal gradient in the western Tianshan Mountains, northwest China. Trees (under revision).

Li, T., and J. Li, 2017: A 564-year annual minimum temperature reconstruction for the east central Tibetan Plateau from tree rings. Global and Planetary Change (under review).

Liu, F., J. Li, B. Wang, J. Liu, T. Li, G. Huang, and Z. Wang, 2017: Contrasting El Niño responses to tropical and high-latitude volcanic eruptions over the past millennium. Geophysical Research Letters (under review).

Liu, Y., K. M. Cobb, H. Song, Q. Li, C. Li, T. Nakatuska, J. Li, S.W. Leavitt, C. Sun, L. Yan, D. Chen, H.W. Linderholm, Q. Cai, J. Sun, Y. Lei, Y. Ma, X. Li, 2017: Enhanced central Pacific El Niño variability compared to the last eight centuries. Nature Communications (under revision).

Liu, W., X. Gou, Y. Huo, J. Li, F. Zhang, Y. Chen, and W. Lin, 2017: Covariability between tree-ring-based spring sunshine duration reconstruction in Southeast China and the East Asian summer monsoon. International Journal of Climatology (under revision).

Year 2017

Li, J., J. Shi, D. D. Zhang, B. Yang, K. Fang and P. H. Yue, 2017: Moisture increase in response to high-altitude warming evidenced by tree-rings on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Climate Dynamics 48: 649-660.

Fang, K., Z. Guo, D. Chen, H. Linderholm, J. Li, F. Zhou, G. Guo, Z. Dong, Y. Li, 2017: Drought variation of north-central China since 1568 and its linkages with droughts in western North America. Climate Dynamics (in press).

Shi, J., J. Li, D. D. Zhang, J. Zheng, J. Shi, Q. Ge, H. F. Lee, Y. Zhao, J. Zhang and H. Lu, 2017: Two centuries of April-July temperature change in southeastern China and its influence on grain productivity. Science Bulletin 62: 40-45.

Year 2016

Hu, X., L. C. Lei, J. Li, N. Iseli-Chan, F. L. Siu and S. K. Chu, 2016: Access Moodle Using Mobile Phones: Student Usage and Perceptions. Mobile Learning Design 155-171.

Pei, Q., D. D. Zhang, J. Li and H. F. Lee, 2016: Proxy-based Northern Hemisphere temperature reconstruction for the mid-to-late Holocene. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 130 DOI: 10.1007/s00704-016-1932-5.

Shi, S., J. Li, J. Shi, Y. Zhao and G. Huang, 2016: Three centuries of winter temperature change on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and its relationship with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Climate Dynamics 46 DOI: 10.1007/s00382-016-3381-3.

Year 2015

Francisco K. S., H. J. Hart, J. Li, E. R. Cook and P. J. Baker, 2015: Annual Rings in a Native Hawaiian Hardwood Tree, Sophora chrysophylla, on Maunakea, Hawaiʻi. Journal of Tropical Ecology 31: 567-571.

Liu, W., X. Gou, J. Li, Y. Huo, and K. Fang, 2015: A method to separate temperature and precipitation signals encoded in tree-ring widths for the western Tien Shan Mountains, northwest China. Global and Planetary Change 133: 141-148.

Shi, J., H. Lu, J. Li, S. Shi, X. Hou and L. Li, 2015: Tree-Ring Based Spring Precipitation Reconstruction for the Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River, Southeast China. Global and Planetary Change 131: 82-88.

Zhang D., Q. Pei, F.Lee, J. Zhang, C. Chang, B. Li, J. Li and X. Zhang, 2015: The pulse of imperial China: a quantitative analysis of long-term geopolitical and climatic cycles. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 87-96.

Year 2014

Li, J., S.-P. Xie, and E. R. Cook, 2014: El Niño phases embedded in Asian and North American drought reconstructions. Quaternary Science Reviews 85: 20-34.

Fang K., D. Chen, J. Li and H. Seppä, 2014: Covarying Hydroclimate Patterns between Monsoonal Asia and North America over the Past 600 Years. Journal of Climate 27: 8017-8033.

Fang K., F. Chen, A. Sen, N. Davi, W. Huang, J. Li, H. Seppä and E. Liang, 2014: Hydroclimate Variations in Central and Monsoonal Asia over the Past 700 Years, PLoS ONE 9: e102751.

Year 2013

Li, J., S.-P. Xie, E. Cook, M. Morales, D. Christie, N. Johnson, F. Chen, R. D'Arrigo, A. Fowler, X. Gou, and K. Fang, 2013: El Niño modulations over the past seven centuries. Nature Climate Change 3: 822-826. [Discovery] [USA Today] [Business Week] [Reuters] [South China Moring Post] [Christian Science Monitor] [Int. Business Times] [Climate News Network] [Sydney Morning Herald] [HKU Bulletin] [星島日報] [大公报] [明報] [新浪网]

Fang, K., D. Frank, X. Gou, C. Liu, F. Zhou, J. Li, and Y. Li, 2013: Precipitation over the past four centuries in the Dieshan Mountains as inferred from tree rings: An introduction to an HHT-based method. Global and Planetary Change 107: 109-118.

Shi, J., E. R. Cook, J. Li, and H. Lu, 2013: Unprecedented January-July warming recorded in a 178-year tree-ring width chronology in the Dabie Mountains, southeastern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 381: 92-97.

Year 2012

Chen, Z., J. Li, K. Fang, N. K. Davi, X. He, M. Cui, X. Zhang, and J. Peng, 2012: Seasonal dynamics of vegetation over the past 100 years inferred from tree rings and climate in Hulunbei'er steppe, northern China. Journal of Arid Environments 83: 86-93.

Fang, K., X. Gou, F. Chen, D. Frank, C. Liu, J. Li, and M. Kazmer, 2012: Precipitation variability during the past 400 years in the Xiaolong Mountain (central China) inferred from tree rings. Climate Dynamics 39: 1697-1707.

Fang, K., X. Gou, F. Chen, C. Liu, N. Davi, J. Li, Z. Zhao, and Y. Li, 2012: Tree-ring based reconstruction of drought variability (1615–2009) in the Kongtong Mountain area, northern China. Global and Planetary Change 80: 190-197.

Fang, K., X. Gou, F. Chen, E. R. Cook, J. Li, and Y. Li, 2012: Spatiotemporal variability of tree growth and its association with climate over Northwest China. Trees–Structure & Function 26: 1471-1481.

Shi, J., J. Li, E. R. Cook, X. Zhang, and H. Lu, 2012: Growth response of Pinus tabulaeformis to climate along an elevation gradient in the eastern Qinling Mountains, central China. Climate Research 53: 157-167.

Xu, C., M. H. Turnbull, D. T. Tissue, J. D. Lewis, R. Carson, W. S. F. Schuster, D. Whitehead, A. S. Walcroft, J. Li, and K. L. Griffin, 2012: Age-related decline of stand biomass accumulation is primarily due to mortality and not to reduction in NPP associated with individual tree physiology, tree growth or stand structure in a Quercus-dominated forest. Journal of Ecology 100: 428-440.

Year 2011

Li, J., S.-P. Xie, E. R. Cook, G. Huang, R. D’Arrigo, F. Liu, J. Ma, and X.-T. Zheng, 2011: Interdecadal modulation of El Niño amplitude during the past millennium. Nature Climate Change 1: 114-118. [Commentary] [MSNBC] [Discovery] [YahooNews] [PlanetSave] [XihuaNews] [China Daily] [Sina News] [ifeng News] [Daily India] [Science Daily] [Star Advertiser] [Hawaii Public Radio] [Tuscon Citizen], and more….

Fan, Z., A. Bräuning, A. Thomas, J. Li, and K. Cao, 2011: Spatial and temporal temperature trends on the Yunnan Plateau (Southwest China) during 1961–2004. International Journal of Climatology 31: 2078-2090.

Fang, K., X. Gou, F. Chen, E. R. Cook, J. Li, B. Buckley, and R. D'Arrigo, 2011: Large-scale precipitation variability over northwest China inferred from tree rings. Journal of Climate 24: 3457-3468.

Fang, K., X. Gou, F. Chen, J. Li, F. Zhou, and Y. Li, 2012: Covariability between tree-ring based precipitation reconstructions in Northwest China and sea surface temperature of Indian and Pacific oceans. Climate Research 49: 17-27.

Zhang, X., X. He, J. Li, N. Davi, Z. Chen, M. Cui, W. Chen, and N. Li, 2011: Temperature reconstruction (1750-2008) from Dahurian larch tree-ring in an area subject to permafrost of Inner Mongolia, Northeast China. Climate Research 47: 151-159.

Year 2010

Li, J., E. R. Cook, F. Chen, X. Gou, R. D'Arrigo, and Y. Yuan, 2010: An extreme drought event in the Tien Shan area in the year 1945. Journal of Arid Environments 74: 1225-1231.

Davi, N., G. Jacoby, K. Fang, J. Li, R. D'Arrigo, and N. Baatarbileg, 2010: Reconstructed drought across Mongolia based on a large-scale tree-ring network: 1520-1993. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, D22103, doi:10.1029/2010JD013907.

Fang, K., X. Gou, F. Chen, J. Li, R. D'Arrigo, E. R. Cook, T. Yang, and N. Davi, 2010: Reconstructed droughts for the southeastern Tibetan Plateau over the past 568 years and its linkages to the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean climate variability. Climate Dynamics 35: 577-585.

Fang, K., N. Davi, X. Gou, F. Chen, E. R. Cook, J. Li, and R. D’Arrigo, 2010. Spatial drought reconstruction for central high Asia based on tree rings. Climate Dynamics 35: 941-951.

Fang, K., X. Gou, F. Chen, R. D'Arrigo, and J. Li, 2010: Tree-ring based drought reconstruction for the Guiqing Mountain (China): Linkages to the Indian and Pacific Oceans. International Journal of Climatology 30: 1137-1145.

Fang, K., X. Gou, F. Chen, J. Li, R. D'Arrigo, E. R. Cook, T. Yang, W. Liu, and F. Zhang, 2010: Tree growth and time-varying climate response along altitudinal transects in central China. European Journal of Forest Research 129: 1181-1189.

Fang, K., X. Gou, K. Peters, J. Li, and F. Zhang, 2010: Removing biological trends from tree-ring series: testing modified Hugershoff Curves. Tree-Ring Research 66: 51-59.

Shi, J., E. R. Cook, H. Lu, J. Li, W. E. Wright, and S. Li, 2010: Tree-ring based winter temperature reconstruction for the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in southeast China. Climate Research 41: 169-175.


Nature Climate Change, Chinese Science Bulletin, Climate Dynamics, Climatic Change, Dendrochronologia, Geophysical Research Letters, Global Change Biology, Global and Planetary Change, Holocene, Journal of IAWA, International Journal of Climatology, Journal of Climate, Journal of Geophysical Research, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, Quaternary International, Science in China, Water Resources Research

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