


来源: 21点五龙





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(1)Jinhai Yu,Qinghe Zhao*,Zaihui Yu,et al.A review of the sediment production and transport processes of forest road erosion. Forests 2024,15: 454.

(2)An Wang,Qinghe Zhao*,Zaihui Yu,et al.Factors and thresholds determining sediment delivery pathways between forest road and stream in mountainous watershed.Catena 2023,224:106976.

(3)Qinghe Zhao,An Wang,Zaihui Yu,et al.Factors contributing to rill erosion of forest roads in a mountainous watershed. Journal of Environmental Management 2023,326: 116829.

(4)Zhendong Hong, Shengyan Ding*, Qinghe Zhao*, et al. Relative contribution of multi-source water recharge to riparian wetlands along the lower Yellow River. Journal of Environmental Management 2022, 321: 115804.

(5)Qinghe Zhao, Zhendong Hong, Yaru Jing, et al. Spatial and temporal changes in nutrients associated with dam regulation of the Yellow River. Catena 2022, 217: 106425.

(6)Qinghe Zhao, An Wang, Yaru Jing, et al. Optimizing management practices to reduce sediment connectivity between forest roads and streams in a mountainous watershed. Remote Sensing 2022, 14(19):4897.

(7)Mengwen Lu, Qinghe Zhao*, Shengyan Ding*, et al. Lag response of groundwater to changes in water and sediment characteristics in the lower Yellow River, China. Journal of Hydrology 2022, 612: 128048.

(8)Qinghe Zhao, Yaru Jing, An Wang, et al. Response of sediment connectivity to altered convergence processes induced by forest roads in mountainous watershed. Remote Sensing 2022, 14(15): 3603.

(9)Yaru Jing, Qinghe Zhao*, Mengwen Lu, et al. Effects of road and river networks on sediment connectivity in mountainous watersheds. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 826: 154189.

(10)Qinghe Zhao, Shengyan Ding*, Xunling Lu, et al. Water-sediment regulation scheme of the Xiaolangdi Dam influences redistribution and accumulation of heavy metals in sediments in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. Catena 2022, 210: 105880.

(11)Mengwen Lu, Qinghe Zhao*, Shengyan Ding*, et al. Hydro-geomorphological characteristics in response to the water-sediment regulation scheme of the Xiaolangdi Dam in the lower Yellow River. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 335: 130324.

(12)Qinghe Zhao, Shengyan Ding*, Zhendong Hong, et al. Impacts of water-sediment regulation on spatial-temporal variations of heavy metals in riparian sediments along the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2021, 227: 112943.

(13)Zhendong Hong, Shengyan Ding*, Qinghe Zhao*, et al. Plant trait-environment trends and their conservation implications for riparian wetlands in the Yellow River. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 767: 144867.

(14)Qinghe Zhao, Dingqiang Li*, Muning Zhuo, et al. Effects of rainfall intensity and slope gradient on erosion characteristics of the red soil slope. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2015, 29(2): 609-621.

(15)Qinghe Zhao,Shiliang Liu*,Li Deng,et al. Soil degradation associated with water-level fluctuations in the Manwan Reservoir, Lancang River Basin. Catena 2014,113: 226-235.

(16)Qinghe Zhao,Shiliang Liu*,Li Deng,et al.Landscape change and hydrologic alteration associated with dam construction. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2012,16: 17-26.

(17)赵清贺,丁圣彦,景亚茹,等.一种道路沉沙池规划方法及系统.发明专利(中国).专利号: ZL202210702912.8.

(18)赵清贺,景亚茹,丁圣彦,等.一种考虑道路影响的流域泥沙连通性评价方法.发明专利(中国). 专利号:ZL202210211774.3


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